Sunday, July 31, 2005

Trinity... LIVE!


Well, this is the first time that I'm writing my blog directly at blogger... Usually i do this by typing it on Word then copy pasting it on blogger... So I think that explains the title...

Pre-Lims week had pass and I actually have some of my test results already. Well, I guess I could share them with you. Not really bad actually... Here they are:

Math: 50/50 (Woohoo!!!)
English: 48/55 (which is equivalent to 1.5... Damn!!!)
Filipino: 46/50 (Honestly, I expected higher!!! Aaaargghh!!!)
Sociology: 85% (only??!! really. I thought I did better than that! Waaahh!!!)

I'm a little emotional right now... (well, kailan ba hindi... haay...) I don't feel comfortable here at TCQC... It's like I don't belong. Just this very morning, I suddenly decided to be very silent. I hope my classmates will notice. Fuck them if they don't! Fuck them hard!!!

I don't know why I did that, really. I think I decided that I'm tired of being the class entertainer or clown or whatever. Basta... From now on, I will be the wild freshman who turned mute in TCQC. This is what I think I am anyway. So better live it up.

I hope my close friends (or the ones I assume are my close friends) will get to read this and start giving me attention because I am getting very annoyed! I am a man who hates to be insignificant!!! Or feeling insignificant for that matter. How could people be very insensitive!!! I hate them!!!

Well, I don't think there is any point on writing longer blog because people kept on saying my blog is too long. And for all i know, they just visit my blog to write stupid things on the damned Tag Board!!!

OK. That's it... Thank you for writing on the cursed, stupid, rotten and damned Tag Board!!!

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