Thursday, July 13, 2006



north star of oblivion

the title says it all...

you made me a fool again...

for how long?

how many more years should i wait huh?

how many times should i sit here all alone like i'm some kind of a lost pup?

if i could just put my face near yours and tell it straight into your lips that...

i am tired... i am sick of you leaving me.... im sick of your every thought....

but what? all i can do is wait and wait....

how many have gone pass through me?they all looked at me and smiled...

offered their hand...

but still, i won't go with them...

not until i saw your face in their place...

you know what? if you just knew how much i have loved you...

after all those years?...

looks like i end up the mighty fool...

all those good people who have come...

yet..... i can't have you...

why make things complicated? i want to get out.

when will you get me? will you still mindor rather remember getting me?...

i'm crying agin...

all those tears for you.

i'm whispering yourname every night. hoping that those words could fly up to the skies maybe someone could hear them...

i want you to wrap your arms around me. i want you to hold my hands andnever let go. i want you to now.yet all i can do now is...

stare up the skies...

look for the north star of oblivion...

then dream ofdancing across the moonlit floor....

pray and whisper your name a thousand times...

maybethen? you'll come and get me.....

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